CrossFit 540 is a gym that specializes in freakish results. And you dont need to train all day to do it. We'll just take about 30 minutes of your time and deliver the most exceptional results you have ever thought possible. For more info, check out our main site at

Thursday, April 25, 2013



CrossFit 540: 5.15,6.15,8.15,11.30,4.30,5.30,6.30
CrossFit 540 South: 5.15,6.15,11.30,4.30,5.30,6.30


At 540 we love for you to work on anything and everything you want to before and after class.  Thats an always.  As long as there isnt any major disruption to the current class going on, feel free to work on whatever.  That being said we ask that you please stick to the regular programming for your WOD.  Injuries are always an exception, but if possible lets all try and stay on the same schedule and training routine.  Thanks for understanding!

EMoM 10
Even: 5 Cleans /AAB 2 Cleans -Heavy
Odds: 7 Burpees/ AAB 5 TU

15 Min AMRP
15 WB
15 Situps
15 Pullups

10 Bar MU
50 WB
7 Bar MU
30 WB
5 Bar MU
20 WB

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I have a question about your blog, could you please email me? Thanks!!

