CrossFit 540 is a gym that specializes in freakish results. And you dont need to train all day to do it. We'll just take about 30 minutes of your time and deliver the most exceptional results you have ever thought possible. For more info, check out our main site at

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Animal Inside

You get about a month. One month give or take a few days. One month to be scared and trepidatious about the program. Its normal. Its to be expected. Its human. But after that month, something has to start to change. That fearful side of you starts to get smaller. It starts to go away. And then you notice something new growing inside of you. Something you may have never felt before. This small wild desire to see just how fast you are. How strong you are. How far you can push yourself before you are defeated. To see just how much you can prove what you are made of. What successful crossfitters the world over discover is that they have an animal inside them that never seems to get quite enough. That may find their appetites satisfied, but they are always thinking about the next meal. The animal can be ignored. Neglected. Malnourished so to speak. But until you have a well maintained beast living inside you, CrossFit (or any program for that matter...) can't ever help you reach your true physical potential. And when that true physical potential is being reached, the self confidence that comes with it is surreal. Promise. So be afraid of the workout. At least a little bit. But be more excited to see just how far you can go.

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