CrossFit 540 is a gym that specializes in freakish results. And you dont need to train all day to do it. We'll just take about 30 minutes of your time and deliver the most exceptional results you have ever thought possible. For more info, check out our main site at

Tuesday, October 25, 2016



CrossFit 540: 5.15,6.15,8.15,11.30,4.30,5.30,6.30
CrossFit 540 South: 5.15,6.15,11.30,4.30,5.30,6.30

WW4 is almost upon us.  This is a big event for 540.  A lot of work and set up goes into it and we are so thankful for all of you that help.  That being said.... we have special hours going into this weekend.
Thurs: Rest Day
Fri: Set up day - We will get started around 8am.  If you are free and would like to help us out we will feed and drink you!  We will also have have volunteer/Judge meeting at 5pm Friday.  Please try and make it to that to get your shirt and to get a heads up on whats going on on Sat.
Sat: WW4!  7-6ish
Sun: Tear down at North, Open Gym at South during normal Sunday hours
Mon: beginning of a new 3 day cycle

Optimus Prime
Run 800M
15 Squat Snatches / 20 Squat Cleans
30 Pullups
A)135/95, B)115/75, C)95/55
*Partition reps as needed
**rx+ for Snatch

6 min AMRP
Hanging Clean to OH 95/65

7 min AMRP
8 C2B
8 OH Squat 95/65

80 Squats
60 Cal Row
40 Box Overs
20 OH Burpees

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